Official Rules

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view post Posted on 7/6/2011, 10:06

General rules:

-Leader of clan Angels are Panda / CrostaDiPizza and Ambuz. Respect their orders and directives. For any question you can pm him on forum "Gounemond"

-Angels clan is pvp-based. In case of wars or importants pvp, all other activities must be left.

-Angels clan is a definitive clan. Once you get into the clan, is your single chance. If you leave to go in other clans, don't come back.

-Maintain a proper behiavour when you're in clan. No QQ if you get killed in pvp. No QQ if today you don't find a party. No bullshitting if you win a pvp. If you have to insult, insult the "character", not the real player (insults like "your mom sucks my dick" because you get killed, means a immediate dismiss from clan). Respect from clan members is obvsiously required.

-Forum is important. Consult the forum at least 1 time/day. You haven't to reply to any topic created, but for important topics, like "This sunday siege", you have to write at least a "Got it".

-We're a clan. Play with the clan, not like a single player. Have party with clan members. There isn't a party? Organize it. Help clan mates, even if you have nothing to gain.

-TeamSpeak3 is a must. Log always TeamSpeak3, even if you are going to stay online for 20 minutes, or if you have to do some of your business.

-For every player is required an useful class. If you're not a usefull main class, you've to grant a useful sub for clan. Ask always to clan leader.

-You can keep enchants or books. Keymats and fulldrops in wharehouse clan. After a raidboss with fulldrop, notify on forum the drop and who was present (active). This helps to get a faster assignation of equip
-If there is a clan leader or a delegate member to pick up drops, never pick up during an epic. If not, choose a single person, a "responsible". This responsible should deposit all in whc (or keep drops until leader is on), and refer immediately on forum the drops and presences. Every boss jewels is clan equip

Edited by Gounemond - 7/6/2011, 20:37
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